C29 - SMART Commercialization Center for Microsystems

The Smart Commercialization Center for Microsystems describes itself as a unique resource center to accelerate MEMS Development. What are MEMS?

The Smart Commercialization Center for Microsystems is on the Lorain County Community College (LCCC) campus. Which of the following are things that the speaker, Mr. Mather, said about LCCC?

As the Smart Center program has grown rapidly in recent years, what major change was cited that will take place during the year 2013.

A “shared resource” center such as the Smart Commercialization Center for Microsystems provides access to specialized technology related equipment that most companies and entrepreneurs would have a hard time affording. At the Smart Center this includes millions of dollars of packaging, reliability testing, and inspection equipment and design and simulation software for Microsystems. How much did Mr. Mather say it costs to use these resources?

The Smart Commercialization Center for Microsystems works with companies across Ohio and partners with many different colleges and universities in Ohio on research projects. Which of the following schools were among those cited by Mr. Mather as research partners?