C16 - Braintree Business Development Center

In explaining why entrepreneurs need the support of organizations like Braintree and others in the Northeast Ohio ecosystem, which of the following statistics did Mr. Leach cite?

Mr. Leach stated that in his view entrepreneurs generally need three things to be able to succeed: 1) Be expert in their field and have an idea, 2) Have good business sense and make good business decisions, and 3) Keep their finances together and secure needed money. Within that context, what did he say was their (Braintree’s) role?

Mr. Leach talked about the State of Ohio’s Thomas Edison program that provides state funding support for a network of six Edison Centers (dedicated to specific industries) and eleven Edison Incubators (of which Braintree is one of six in Northeast Ohio). How many states did he say have a funded network like Ohio’s?

In addition to helping link up prospective entrepreneurs with venture capital, angel investors and banks, Braintree runs the “Appleseed Microfinance Program” that prospective Northeast Ohio startup businesses can apply for. What does this microfinance program involve?

Mr. Leach noted that the State of Ohio, through its Third Frontier Program provided funding to establish six regional entrepreneurial organizations in Ohio. What is the name of the Northeast Ohio organization that was established?